About This Blog

Welcome Friends!  We are glad you are here.  Here is some information about what this blog is about and what you can expect. We hope you stay to explore.  Let us know if you have any questions or if you need assistance in navigating this site.

We write this blog for you:
  • The parent, grandparent, sibling, teacher, therapist, friend, caregiver, or loved one of a child, teen or young adult with special needs.
  • Caregivers of children,teens, and adults having multiple diagnoses.  These diagnoses may include mental health, neurological, and/or developmental disorders.

  •  Parents and caregivers of children, teens, or young adults who are in label limbo.  If your child has not yet been given a diagnosis or if your child has been given inaccurate diagnoses you are also in the right place.

  • Anyone having special needs in need of information and support.

Our Mission:  The focus of this blog is to inform, inspire, and share our experiences on living life with a child who is "not so typical". In the process we will also be sharing how to take care of yourself so that you can be at your best as a caregiver. 

We will be discussing a wide spectrum of neurological differences encompassing: ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Epilepsy, Learning Disabilities and Sensory Processing Disorder among others.

We will also provide a special emphasis on the topic of teaching, as my co-authors and I have been homeschooling our children into their teen years. 

We will be introducing you to the best of the best in the fields of psychology, psychiatry, and neurology as our special guest bloggers.  We will include guest posts from caregivers, teachers, and therapists in addition to first-hand perspectives from individuals with special needs.

Note:  If you would like to be included as a guest blogger please use our contact information to make an inquiry.  We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.

What this blog is: This is a site for sharing, support, and community.  We are about acceptance, growth, and embracing the moment.

What this blog is not:  If you are looking for miracle cures or wishing to debate the cause of your child's condition then this is not the site for you.  There are plenty of other websites and forums for these types of discussions and this is not one of them.

A few rules...

The Internet can be a wonderful place to search for information and support.  Unfortunately it can, at times, resemble the Wild West where anything goes and civility goes out the window.  We will actively be encouraging debate and discussion on a number of topics.  But we will not accept rude behavior, personal insults, and the like.  Remember that this is a place of support.  Words are powerful.  Use them for good and not to brandish them as weapons.  A kind word can make all the difference to someone going through a rough time.  An unkind word can send someone over the edge.  Think before you write.

With that, we welcome you to become an active participant in our blog community.  We hope you make yourself at home and feel comfortable to share your experiences with us.  What you share here may help someone else traveling a similar journey.

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